satu lagi nih, gw dapet tutorial keren dari blog temen tentang
eksploitasi windows 7 dengan semua aristektur (32 bit/64 bit)
menggunakan linux yang telah terinstal metasploit. Gw ceritain dulu nih,
tools ini berbasis bash (ya umumlah, namanya juga linux pasti bash yang
utamanya terus python, perl, java dan lain-lainnya). langsung saja gw
kasih link download nya ya
Download here bro !
1. untuk i386 klik disini
2. untuk amd64 klik disini
nih sekalian dikasi langsung untuk md5sum nya dari sang author
md5sum: amd64 78a18e3d90ee12ed55e38ffe784a85e8
md5sum: i386 06b858cc8982cda719a59627d37bd1e6
md5sum: i386 06b858cc8982cda719a59627d37bd1e6
Dan disini gw quote juga postingannya ya, karena gw suka cara postingannya tersebut. Keren daaaah
news! After 3 months of researching, our team has found critical
vulnerability that found on Windows 7 and Windows 8. This shellcode work
on ANY windows 7 architecture, and any series! We start from C
programming, then compile this script as binary file, so you don't have
to compile it anymore. Just change this file to executeable using
chmod. Then execute. Here's some output.
Just download this binary on
1. Here is for amd64 link
2. Here is for i386 link
md5sum: amd64 78a18e3d90ee12ed55e38ffe784a85e8
md5sum: i386 06b858cc8982cda719a59627d37bd1e6
In order to execute this binary file, you need an internet access to
checking md5sum. So your md5sum won't miss match.
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